Aftershocks and La Gonave




The Children of La Gonave: Take a moment to learn about the people and children of La Gonave.

Following Haiti's devastating 40 seconds of horror, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) recorded eight aftershocks within two hours of the original earthquake with magnitudes ranging from 4.3 to 5.9 on the Richter Scale.  

Within the first nine hours, 32 aftershocks of magnitude 4.2 or greater were recorded, 12 of which measured magnitude 5.0 or greater, and on January 24, the USGS reported there had been 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater since the original January 12 earthquake.  On January 20, at 06:03 in the morning, the strongest aftershock since the earthqualke measuring a magnitude 5.9 struck Haiti.   The USGS reported its epicentre as being approximately 35 miles WSW of Port-au-Prince exactly under the coastal town of Petit-Goave.  Subsequently, seven buildings which had withstood the original quake collapsed.

According to staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross, who had reached Petit-GoĆ¢ve for the first time the day before the aftershock, the town was estimated to have lost 15% of its buildings, and was suffering the same shortages of supplies and medical care as the capital.[39] Workers from the charity Save the Children reported hearing "already weakened structures collapsing" in Port-au-Prince,[36] but most sources reported no further significant damage to infrastructure in the city. Further casualties are thought to have been minimal since people had been sleeping in the open.[38] There are concerns that the 12 January earthquake could be the beginning of a new long-term sequence: "the whole region is fearful"; historical accounts, although not precise, suggest that there has been a sequence of quakes progressing westwards along the fault, starting with an earthquake in the Dominican Republic in 1751.[40]