In Recognition

A Special Thank You: This page is devoted solely to those individuals who in part, made this trip possible and in doing so improved, if only for a short time, the lives of the people and children pictured within this website.  As you explore these pages you'll note I've included the names of many children.   My intention is to help you see them as real people, with real and pressing needs to maintain survival during this time, versus mere statistical numbers flashing across a newscreen. 

It saddens and dissapoints me greatly when I hear someone say "I just couldn't stand to watch the horrific images on television so I turned it off".  At the risk of offending those individuals, let me suggest that simply turning your back on human tragedy in favor of pursuing our own selfesh interest, does not magically make it disappear! 

There are thousands of men and women from around the globe currently in Haiti who made it a priority to go.  There are many more thousands who would have gone but for legitimate health, family, or financial reasons, were unable to go themselves, but found other ways to donate and assist.  To those individuals, I applaude your contribution to the success of this relief effort.

 do so.  Many chose to help others who could and did go.  For those of you reading this that watched and then turned away without doing anything, now is the time to look*********************************  There are many more thousands who would have done the same but for health or financial reasons truly could not.  ****************************are many who would go but for various physical or financial reasons, are truly unable to do so.  There are many more capable of going but selfishly choose to do nothing.  There are those with the capacity to help without actually being there themselves and still choose to do nothing.  

I will not comment on whether or not "intent" places another gem in your crown or not, but after being on the ground in Haiti, I can tell you than intentions alone will not put food in the stomach of a lonely and hungry child!   As Christ himself put it, "faith without works, is dead." Good intentions which are never acted upon, are likewise, dead.  When your darkest hour arrives as a result of flood, tornado, or other cause, I pray that someone whom you've never met, feels called to action instead of merely switching to another more enjoyable channel and leaving you to fend for yourselves.  The Haitian people need your help more than any other time in their lives.  Christ also told us in Matthew 25, "that which we do unto the least of them my brother, you have also done unto me."  As humans, we have been given the emotion known as compassion.  Please use it as it was intended and act upon it now.    

Below are some of the people who felt a call to action and contributed, either morally or monetarily, to my participation in Humanitarian Relief Effort.  I cannot thank them enough and without their assistance, my small contribution to the Hatitian people may not have been possible.  

Pam Sayre & Matt Murphy:   I would like to thank my department manager and director for allowing me time to follow my heart's desire and help the Haitian people during their time of greatest need.  I appreciate your faith in me to manage the needs of our A-STEP program as well as those in Haiti without compromising the integrity of our training program at Allegiance Health.  Also, I want to thank Pam for the ride to the Detroit airport which allowed me the first opportunity to relax since learning of my departure the evening before.  Taking all my calls during my absence undoubtedly took away from your many responsibilities and I feel blessed that you understand and support my needs to serve others.

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lipe Sr:  To my dearest mother and my late father (1912-2001) who have always been there to offer tender affection, and loving guidance in life.  It was by example that you taught compassion for fellowman regardless of color, creed, or socioeconomic status.  With your deep love of God's principles for your own life, you have never wavered in your faith nor compromised in your expectations that we follow in your footsteps.  Without your influence in my life, I would never feel compelled to even been in Haiti or go there during their time of greatest need.  

To you Mom: It's ironic to me that you sometimes apologize for the things you were unable to give us as children.  Things that money could have purchased, but money that simply wasn't there.  ****When I visit distant lands and look in the face of these orphans............*********for the the things you feel you were unable to give us as children.  When I visit places like HaitiIt's ironic to me, that you Mom, will sometimes apologize for the things you feel you were unalbe to give me. **will sometimes, your love of God and his principles, you, loving guidance, tender affectionlove, affection, and compassion. 

Without their unweavering faith in God and his principles,
I would have undering faith been there for me since the beginning with love, affection, and

Jeff & Barbara Ketchum: My caring brother-in-law and loving sister who is a nurse and Bereavement Coordinator for Amedisys Hospice Services of Morristown, Tn.  Without your assistance in connecting my desire to get to Haiti and people on the ground at LOCC Mission Orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquet (Port-au-Prince), my efforts may never have materialized. 

Your contribution and never-weavering moral support mean more to me than I can ever express.  Neither during my trip to the Gulf Coast during Katrina nor this most recent trip to Haiti, have you ever questioned my motives or tried to discourage me from participating.  You always seem to understand why I'm compelled to go without selfish concern for dangers, perceived or real.  You are truly the sister that a brother can only dream of having.  I appreciate you more than you will ever know. 

Bill McConnell: With best friend of my sister since  and become a volunteer the year his wife died. member of the Shriners and Hospice volenterr since 1996.  Plant manager of a printing Morrison Printing. / Driver for Shriners and burn victums.   Dog named Baxter.

From the mountains of Virginia / supplies neigborhood with vegtables grown in his garden.   Voleenteers with Hospice and bereavement mail.   Serves as a door man.

Birthday / Sells Shriners papers. 

Very devoted to Baxter jack Russel Terrier sp?  look alike.    Can't really hunt groundhogs anymore but his heart is still in it, but his legs aren't. 

Doug and Rene Newton: For their moral support on that whirlwind morning before departure as I raced around town trying to gather the necessary items to pack.

Jamie Bible:  Jamie works with my sister and is the Business Office Manager for Amedisys Home Care in Morristown, TN.   Your generous contribution speaks volumes about your character, especially in light of the fact that you hardly know me on a personal level.  It is people like you the world over, that want to help, can't make the journey themselves, but willing to contribute despite tough economic times to help a people in greater need than ourselves.   On behalf of the children of LOCC Mission Orphanage, I applaud and thank you.

Dunham Sports - Jackson, MI:  For their generous discount on my backpack and associated equipment.  Next time you visit the store, take a moment to show your appreciation for their contirbution to the Hatian Relief Effort.

Please accept my deepest and most sincere apologies if I have forgotten to mention anyone by name.